Installationen / Installations

Rasterfahndung Installation at Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany 2012

(In)visible City Installation at Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe Ettlingen, Germany 2011

Raum I. Kein Ort nirgends. Installation at Gallery 14-1, Stuttgart, Germany 2011

Searching for identity Installation at Kunstverein Nuertingen, Germany 2010

Plattenbau Installation at Kunstverein Nuertingen, Germany 2010

city + war - bunker project concept for survival 8, Poland 2010

outside_in installation, private collection Berlin, Germany 2010

virtual interiors audio at group exhibition ZEIGEN - An Audiotour through Berlin, Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin, Germany 2009

urban hacking spatial container installation at paraflows 09 - festival for digital art + culture in Vienna, Austria 2009

outside_in III spatial installation at Academy of Science Berlin, Germany 2007

Plattenbau meets Schinkel installation and solo exhibition at Konzerthaus Berlin, Germany 2007

urban shelter? installation with two film projections and a documentary on TV screen at Academy Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Germany 2007

lost homes, panorama serie / loop projection at Academy Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Germany 2007

outside_in II, spatial installation (3,2 x 8 x 50 m) in solo exhibition at Academy Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Germany 2005

outside_in I, spatial installation, solo exhibition at Oberwelt Stuttgart, Germany 2005

medial modules, interactive installations in 4 buildings at DGB Media Center Hattingen, Germany 2004

memodul, interactive installation and facade projection at international exhibition urban drift nightspace, Café Moskau Berlin, Germany 2003

Plattenbau oder die Kunst, Utopie im Baukasten zu warten, installation with furniture, construction kit and computer game, photography serie at public collection of Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum Hagen, Germany since 2002

memodul (installation, computergame) in the public collection of Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum Hagen, Germany since 2002

Foldings / Faltungen – dynamic multiple light installation with 50 paper objects, Suisse Art Prize ring, St.Gallen, Switzerland 1999

hydraulic memorial, concept for a memorial at Schloßplatz Berlin, Germany 1998

erinnern + vergessen / remembering + forgetting - urban scape for Sarajevo (drawings, models, installation with archive boxes), Bosnia-Herzegovina 1997

UnFolding / EntFaltungen, light installation with 20 paper objects in solo exhibition at studio for transdisciplinary projects, Berlin Germany 1996

Panorama (installation concept) 1995

mob, mobil, mobiliar (concept), exhibition at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin Germany 1994